Our thoughts, articles and news.
Concealment and tracing of assets within divorce proceedings
There often can be various concerns with divorcing couples over the value of assets either through depreciation, or by spouses wishing to protect their assets generally from the other spouse when divorcing.
Why are Family Court proceedings no longer considered strictly private?
Since 27 January 2025 open reporting provisions have now been extended to all family courts.
A closer look at the divorce of Hollywood’s former golden couple “Brangelina”
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have finally ended their 8-year financial dispute following the breakdown of their marriage in 2016.
Capital Gains Tax on divorce – a significant change on the horizon?
When we think about the consequences of divorce, it’s not surprising that the first questions that spring to mind are often ‘What will happen to the children?’ or ‘How will we divide our finances so that we can both manage?’